State-of-the-Art Review Articles
published in Tourism Geographies
The following articles from Tourism Geographies are significant reviews of major themes in tourism. These articles may be helpful for authors, lecturers and students seeking to understand the major issues related to tourism from a geographic perspective. If you are unable to access one of these article through your library, please contact the Editor-in-Chief for a complimentary copy.
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Critical engagements with nature: tourism, political economy of nature and political ecology. - Jan Mosedale (2015) - DOI:10.1080/14616688.2015.1074270 - tourism, nature, critical, political economy of nature, political ecology, special issue, discourse, inequality, nature-based tourism, sustainability
An integrative geotourism approach: bridging conflicts in tourism landscape research. - Arie Stoffelen & Dominique Vanneste (2015) - DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2015.1053973 - geotourism, physical landscape, cultural landscape, tourism landscape, regional development, power relations, political ecology
Glacier tourism: a scoping review - Johannes T. Welling, Þorvarður Árnason & Rannveig Ólafsdottír (2015) - DOI:10.1080/14616688.2015.1084529 - glacier tourism, glacial landscapes, scoping review, climate change, glacier sites, perceptions and values
Evolutionary economic geography: a new path for tourism studies? - Patrick Brouder (2014) - DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2013.864323 - evolutionary economic geography, research, theory, tourism
Using indicators to assess sustainable tourism development: a review - Anna Torres-Delgado & Jarkko Saarinen (2014) - DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2013.867530 - sustainable development, impacts, indicators, set of indicators, indices, planning
Scale, change and resilience in community tourism planning - Alan A. Lew (2014) - DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2013.864325 - tourism planning, resilience planning, sustainable development, community resilience, complex adaptive systems, sustainable tourism, socio-ecological resilience
Towards an economic-geographical approach to the globalisation of the hotel industry - Piotr Niewiadomski (2014) - DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2013.867528 - international hotel industry, globalisation of services, global production networks, business models, international hotel groups, tourism production system
Tourism and toponymy: commodifying and consuming place names - Duncan Light (2014) - DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2013.868031 - toponymy, place names, tourist sights, souvenirs, performances, commodification
Existential Authenticity: Place Matters - Jillian M. Rickly-Boyd (2013/14) - DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2012.762691 - Existential authenticity, place, performance, experience, geography, landscape
African Americans and Tourism - Derek H. Alderman (2013) - DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2012.762544 - African Americans, heritage tourism, race, inequality, social justice, identity - (special issue on African American travel and tourism)
Marketing Destinations with Prolonged Negative Images: Towards a Theoretical Model - Eli Avrahama & Eran Kettera (2012) - Media strategies, destination marketing, image restoration, prolonged negative image, tourism campaigns, strategic approach
Critical Issues in Air Transport and Tourism - David Timothy Duval (2012) - Air transport, aeropolitics, climate policy, accessibility, connectivity, low-cost carriers, partnerships, market liberalization, review paper
Slum Tourism: Developments in a Young Field of Interdisciplinary Tourism Research - Fabian Frenzel & Ko Koens (2012) - Introduction to special issue on slum tourism - Slum tourism, definitions, ethics, commodification, representation
On the Ethical Stake in Tourism Research - Dean MacCannell (2012) - Commentary
Becoming a Tourism Scholar - Stephen L.J. Smith (2011) - Commentary -China, Canada, Belgium, United Kingdom, USA, New Zealand, Australia, India, France, Spain
Publishing Tourism Geography Research - Deborah Che (2010) - Report
Traditions and Trends: A Review of Geographical Scholarship in Tourism - Sanjay K. Nepal (2009) - Geographical scholarship, research traditions, tourism themes, language, future trends
Worldmaking Agency-Worldmaking Authority: The Sovereign Constitutive Role of Tourism - Keith Hollinshead, Irena Ateljevic & Nazia Ali (2009) - Introduction to Special Issue on Worldmaking Tourism
The 'Critical Turn' in Tourism Studies: A Radical Critique - Raoul V. Bianchia (2009) - Cultural turn, critical turn, globalization, Marxism, neo-liberalism, post-structuralism, power of tourism
The Cosmopolitan Hope of Tourism: Critical Action and Worldmaking Vistas - Margaret Byrne Swain (2009) - Critical cosmopolitanism, inequality, embodiment, feminist analysis, transformation, mediating vision
Teaching Tourism Geography - Deborah Che (2009) - Report
Border Tourism and Border Communities: An Overview - Trevor Sofield (2006) - Borders, sovereignty, social space, interstitial space, mobility, transnationalism
The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry: Ten Years of Progress in Research and an Agenda for the Future - Dimitri Ioannides (2006) - Commentary
Mountain Tourism: Toward a Conceptual Framework - Sanjay K. Nepala & Raymond Chipeniukb (2005) - Mountain tourism, mountain resource characteristics, outdoor recreation, tourism, amenity migration, recreation and tourism land use
Tourism and migration: new relationships between production and consumption - Allan M. Williams & C. Michael Hall (2000) - Tourism, Migration, Entrepreneurship, Second Homes
Sustainable tourism: A State-of-the-Art Review - Richard W. Butler (1999)- Sustainable tourism, definitions, development, capacity, control, mass tourism