Reset: Visions of Travel and Tourism
after the Global COVID-19 Transformation of 2020
A Very Special Issue of Tourism Geographies
Academic journals are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in a variety of ways. Some have gone into a temporary pause mode, along with much of the world. Others (esp. medical journals it seems) are clamoring for anything related to the pandemic. And other have had CFPs for special issues related to the virus and pandemic. So I am proposing to do all three of these things with this very special call for interest in a special issue that is also a pause from business as usual. The focus of the special issue is on visions of how the events of 2020 will transform our planet in potentially positive ways, with travel and tourism being among the most significant areas to be impacts. What makes this very special is that I want to publish it in the next available issue of Tourism Geographies. So I am putting other things on hold (pause) to do this. Also, the articles will all be commentaries and will not go out for normal review. Instead, they will be reviewed by the guest editors only to speed up the process as quickly as possible. Global Transformation
To me, "transformation" means "substantial change in a positive direction". That is what I would like this special issue to promote: a substantial, meaningful, and positive visions for the transformation of the planet in general, and tourism specifically. This is not a return to a "normal" that existed before. But is instead a vision of how the world can or is changing, evolving, and transforming into something different that what it was before the 2020 global pandemic experience. |
Envisioning a Better World
“We need a real awakening, enlightenment, to change our way of thinking and seeing things. To breathe in and be aware of your body and look deeply into it, realise you are the Earth and your consciousness is also the consciousness of the Earth.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh GUEST EDITORS (in alphabetical order)
Some potential topics that have been suggested -- this is not an exhaustive list:
- The format of papers and contributions will be flexible. Most will be considered Commentary papers.
- Based on initial responses, people are suggesting papers from 1000 to 5000 words in length (including abstract and references).
- Shorter papers (less than 2000 words) will not have an abstract. All papers over 2000 words (including references) should have an abstract and keywords. Use these guidelines for the abstract.
- Longer papers would be more like a regular article.
- All papers should have some references -- not just simple opinion pieces (this has cropped up in the past). References to TG articles is encouraged, but of course never required.
- The correct spelling is: COVID-19 (all upper case)
- Papers will be guest editor reviewed and will not be anonymous. The author will know who the reviewer is and the reviewer will know who the author is.
- Some papers may be combined into a single paper by the editors -- something like the Politico magazine article linked below.
- If this is done, authors will be included in the list of authors for that article.
- Editors will have final decision on such a move.
- All papers should follow the Tourism Geographies format and submission guidelines, except that the paper should be emailed to me <[email protected]> for review before you submit it to ScholarOne.
- When you do submit it to ScholarOne, be sure to check "Commentary" and the Special Issue: "Travel and Tourism Reset". (I can also do this if you forget.)
Paper Due Date: 15 April 2020 -- sooner would be even better
Email me with your questions and ideas for contributions - [email protected]
- News Articles related to COVID-19 and a transforming global consciousness - collected by Alan Lew
- Travel and Tourism Transformed - A website with resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic, based largely, but not exclusively, on TRINET postings. For this special issue, see especially the Sustainability section and the Data & Statistics section
- Coronavirus Spells the End of the Neoliberal Era. What Next? - by Jeremy Lent, April 2, 2020 - Fortress Earth or Societal Transformation?
- Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance - What the Next 18 Months Can Look Like, if Leaders Buy Us Time - by Tomas Pueyo - Summarizes the most likely pandemic scenario, as well as alternative scenarios, based on several seemingly well qualified sources.
- The Coronation - by Charles Eisenstein - One of the more comprehensive and insightful perspectives on the longer term global impact of COVID-19. French and audio versions also available.
- Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How. - A survey of 34 "bid thinkers" by Politico Magazine (19 March 2020) - Depending on the response to this call for interest, we might try to put something like this together for travel and tourism.
- Also - just do a search on "how the world will change after covid-19" to get a lot more articles like this one!
- Also - just do a search on "how the world will change after covid-19" to get a lot more articles like this one!
- Transformation Needs Fresh Perspectives - Systems Thinking for a Turbulent World: A Search for New Perspectives - by Anthony M. Hodgson - This is an overview of Hodgson's book, which provides a systems theory and resilience thinking approach to positive transformation of communities and societies